LA Divorce – Start with the end in mind

A lot of people go into their divorce asking their attorney to get them the best results.  However they aren’t always clear on what those results are.  The sometimes figure if they can keep as much of the money, pay as little in spousal support (or get as much in support), and see their kids as much as possible then they have “won”.  This is a very win-lose mind-set which goes against how you should be thinking about your divorce.

Yes it’s good to have the end in mind, but you need to truly consider what is the best outcome for the situation. 

When it comes to children parents should think about what’s in the best interest of their children.  What young kids need are stability and consistency.  What they don’t need is their parents fighting incessantly over who is going to pick them up on Tuesdays and Thursdays because someone has bowling those nights.  This seems silly and far-fetched but it is the reality when it comes to child visitation and child custody.  Spouses should sit down and consider what situation would provide the best environment for their kids.

When going into a divorce consider putting together a simple outline of what you think is in the best interest of everyone involved.  Then work with an attorney to lay out your goals and get their opinion.  Also remember Divorce can be a negotiation.  Rarely will one side get everything they are looking for.  And even when they do, the victory can be very short-lived as your triumph today could have unexpected circumstances tomorrow.

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