DCFS Child Abuse Allegations – Charlie Sheen

The Charlie Sheen issue that popped up in November is a good example of how quickly things can spin out of control in the Los Angeles child dependency system.  A psychologist for Charlie Sheen’s son heard something about him being hit while in Denise Richard’s care, and therefore the psychologies was bound to notify the authorities. Because of the situation the children were then living with a legal guardian.

We don’t know all the specifics of the case other than news reports as the California Juvenile Dependency systems is very quiet.  They do not allow reporters or the public into the hearings.  Some can argue the merits of this policy, though whichever way you feel this is the system we live with today.

This case shows that even the rich and famous are subject to dealing with child abuse and child neglect cases.  If there is any kind of injury (emotional or physical) it can quickly get reported and then taken to the juvenile dependency system.  In a matter of hours, days, weeks, the children can be removed from the home and criminal charges brought against parents, grandparents, guardians, etc.  In the Charlie Sheen example charges may never get brought forward – and perhaps they shouldn’t.  We can only speculate as to what truly happened with the children.

In California we have the concept of “mandatory reporters.”  This is a group of people who are bound to report anytime they suspect child abuse or neglect may have taken place. 

What’s different in this case is it is generating publicity.  Most of the time people are accused of child abuse we will never know about it.  It’s only cases like this that get our attention.  And in some ways this case is shining a light on a system that is very tough to navigate. There are a lot of parties involved including psychologists, family members, DCFS, the police, etc.  And each party may have their own motivations.  When talking with a social worker for example you don’t know if the information you give will be used against you.

Charlie Sheen has the financial resources to do what it takes to help his own situation – though even then nothing is guaranteed.  Throwing money at the problem won’t solve things here.  He will need to hire on experts who can help figure out the best course of action.  And this may also involve bringing in very expensive experts to testify.  That all takes money and time which some families don’t have access to.  Even then the courts may go against whatever position he has.  That’s what’s interesting about this system.  We may never know the truth, the lies, who is doing what, and even the final outcome.

If you are dealing with a situation like this you really need to talk with an attorney.  There is simply too much uncertainty and stress to go it alone.  Plus you need help figuring out who is working with you, and who is really working against you.  In this cases everyone has their own motives and they may not match up with your own.  Finally, even if the allegations are completely false the State takes them very seriously.  You should as well.

Parents who get contacted by DCFS or any mandatory reporter should contact a Los Angeles child abuse attorney.  These are also called Juvenile Dependency Attorneys.  Find one with experience working with child abuse and child neglect allegations other clients have faced.  No attorney can guarantee any kind of results when it comes to child dependency.  However, having an experienced attorney can certainly help you with the process.

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