Celebrity Divorce

If you read anything online about a celbrity divorce know there is a good chance it’s not true.  And know if it is true, it’s not as exciting as the media wishes it was.  Case in point are the recent online rumors about Kanye West and Kim Kardashian getting divorced.  We don’t want to mention them here, other than as an example of not listing to what blogs sites are saying.

We have worked with celebrities before during their divorces and child custody battles.   In most cases the situation is not as interesting as TMZ, Radaronline, and the news shows makes them out to be.  Usually it is a divorce like any other, expect for the monetary value involved, and the media attention.  Those two items may sound trivial though they do have an impact on the emotions involved.  We recommend celebrities hire an Attorney who can keep a level head during the proceedings and stay focused on the case.

If you need an Attorney contact the Law Office of Beatrice K. Fung to set up a consultation.  She works with people from all walks of life in and around Los Angeles.  Yes some of her clients are celebrities, but a lot are regular working people who are either getting divorced or dealing with a Family Law matter.

One thought on “Celebrity Divorce

  1. It’s too bad lawyers can’t talk about their clients cases. Would be interesting to hear what goes on behind the scenes.

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